Unfortunately, the Kickstarter to get the “Oh Goodie! Edgar Allen Woe” book into stores was not successfully funded.
I blame myself. I’ve had so much going on this month, I haven’t had the chance to properly promote it like I should have. Not saying that would have gotten it funded, but I feel there was more I could have done to get the word out, elaborate on the project, connect with possible contributors more, etc etc.
These days though, it’s been hard to even update the site to my satisfaction. I’m currently working seven out of seven days a week (both at my day job and doing portraits on the weekend, nevermind the commissions I do on the side) to pay for a new apartment I hope to move into after 4th of July weekend. Some things have had to give, and I’ve begrudgingly have had to admit I don’t have the energy to do everything.
I’m trying not to get too down or beat myself up though. Even if the project wasn’t successful, I’d still like to thank everyone who donated regardless. At this point, I’m trying my best to move forward and get new stuff ready, both now and after the move is complete.
I actually have one big thing I’m excited about that I’ll be announcing shortly. Stay tuned. Thanks again everyone.
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