If Wizard World Chicago made me want to kill myself (I will NEVER call it the Chicago Comic Con), C2E2 made me want to live again.  The 2nd annual Chicago Entertainment Expo blew that previous shitstorm out of the water, and I feel both honored and fortunate to have gotten a table this year.  To have seen so many of my favorite artists and performers over the weekend, this is easily the most fun I’ve had so far this year.  Because the public wasn’t let in until 1PM on the first day, things were kind of slow and there wasn’t much business.  The 2nd day?  Holy cats, I was terrified to carry my coffee on the floor it was so packed.  I actually broke even for the table, and since I’m still nobody and have only been doing cons for a year this was a first.

And none of it would have been possible without my friends Nathan & Nadja from “Impure Blood” splitting the table with me.  Thank them on my behalf by checking out their awesome comic.  And thank you EVERYONE who stopped by this weekend and bought something.  Too much awesome stuff went on, but hopefully these pictures will help sum it up.

Me getting to meet an American legend.

My POV of Patton Oswalt during “Comedy Death Ray” on Friday night.

Oh hey, I found him!

There were plenty “Scott Pilgrim” cosplayers over the weekend, but this trio was my favorite.  The guy playing Lucas Lee just had to pretend the guy playing Scott was the film’s head-of-marketing 😉

I had the pleasure of meeting Brad Jones AKA The Cinema Snob on the 2nd day, and he was cool enough to buy one of the preliminary copies of the “Oh Goodie!” book and a Rush print for his friend.  Incredibly nice guy.

…Yea, here’s something you’ll ONLY see at a comic convention.

That goes for this pic as well.

For two out of the three days of the con, I wore my “Permanent Waves” T-shirt and it always seemed to start a conversation.  And when people would bring it up, I’d try to sell them this older print of Rush playing during the “A Farewell to Kings” era that I’d had made when I first starting attending cons a year-and-a-half ago.  So imagine my surprise when Nathan, Nadja, and myself went to Reggie’s for the after party and I saw this on the wall.  Nice to see my favorite band chipping in to help out my convention appearances!

Brad was cool enough to bring Doug Walker AKA The Nostalgia Critic by my booth along with his brother/collaborator Rob (not pictured).  I’m such a huge fan of That Guy With The Glasses that getting to meet all of them was easily the highlight of the weekend for me.  And it got even better when each one of them bought a copy of my book.  Thanks again for stopping by guys!

…And of course, the LLLadies.